Garden Rules & Regulations
Please adhere to the following rules at all times:
1. Dogs:
- All dogs must be registered with BGGC.
- Dogs must be closely supervised at all times.
- Owners must clean up after their dogs.
2. Children:
- Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- Children should respect the tranquillity of garden users.
3. Ball Games:
- Ball games are strictly prohibited in the garden.
4. Fobs:
- Do not give or lend fobs to anyone outside your household.
5. Gates:
- Always close gates for the safety of all garden users.
6. Music and Parties:
- Music and parties are not allowed unless authorised by the subcommittee.
7. Flowers and Wildlife:
- Please do not pick flowers or feed the wildlife.
Please note that following these rules is essential for a harmonious garden. Non-compliance may result temporary in loss of access up to a year.
We appreciate your cooperation in keeping our garden thriving and enjoyable for everyone. Enjoy your time in the garden. For enquiries or requests, contact us at:
New Garden Maintenance Team
We are pleased to announce that Ben Skinner and Andrew Eden of Town & Country Gardens have taken over the maintenance of our garden.
Our original gardeners lost staff and found it very difficult to replace gardeners coming out of the pandemic. Therefore for the last 6 months, we have been operating on skeleton staff.
We are happy that we are back with a full-time team and look forward to bringing out the best potential of the garden.
Updated Bye-Laws
We have updated the Bye-Laws. There were two objectives: (1) to remove elements that were no longer relevant; and (2) to improve clarity and accuracy of the document. In brief, these are as follows:
1. Remove references to the “dogs’ lavatory”, as this enclosure no longer exists. Reflect the shift from metal keys to electronic keyfobs.
2. Group all references to dogs in a single clause instead of three. At the beginning of the pandemic, we asked dog owners to no longer throw balls for dogs. We discovered this reduced damage to the lawn, and also reduced the amount of canine energy in the garden.
3. Most London garden squares prohibit all types of ball games. The rationale is simple: they damage the garden and create a disturbance that is intrusive to other residents. We have slightly modified our clause to reflect the fact that using a ball with a small child is unlikely to cause either.
4. The final clause has been modified to more accurately reflect the fact that the Act of 1851 provides specific remedies for Sub-Committees to restrict access to residents who consistently ignore these Bye-Laws.
BGGC Executive Sub-Committee, 22/02/2021